Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Another short day of riding today as we only did 32 miles and are camping in a KOA Campground in Ashland, VA. And, wouldn't you know it, it's raining! So the route today was very nice and relaxing taking us through Glendale and Mechanicsville through rural Virginia scenery on our way to the campground. One thing became apparent right off the bat...1st, there are no fences between houses out here, and 2nd,if you don't own a big riding lawn mower, you're in a heap of trouble! The lawns are around here are huge! We stopped for lunch at Dave's produce and cafe that is housed in an old car repair garage. Dave played halfback for Clemson in the 1970's, and would have talked to us for the whole day if we would have let him. Nearing our destination, we came to the Garthright House. In 1864 this house was used by the Union surgeons as a field hospital. Mrs Garthright took refuge in the basement and watched in horror as blood seeped through the cracks in the floor over her head! The battle of Cold Harbor was near by so we stopped and checked that out as well. It's so hard to imagine this kind of warfare...so bloody that the streams turn red! This is our first night of tent camping, so I'll get to try out my little cocoon tonight. Three of the riders got lost today...too bad,
as one of them was tonight's cook!

1 comment:

  1. Ollie, Enjoy getting your daily dialog and comments, seems like we are pedaling along with you. Keep the posts coming! Larry Nelson
